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un documentaire sur trouver Beyond the Rocks

De Cheese, le 23 juillet 2004 à 10:33

(excusez, mais mon francais n'est pas bien, et je type beaucoup plus vite en anglais)

I don't know if this will be accepted, because it contains a link to a file, but I can always try, because this is such a long sought after film.

On the Dutch TV there's been a TV-show about the discovery of Beyond the Rocks, including an interview with Jan van den Brink of the filmmuseum about how the discovery came about, and about the film and its actors of course. But, moreover, it's got a couple of minutes of clips of the film, with Valentino and Swanson!

I've downloaded the TV-show from the TV-station's website, and I've manually added English subtitles for the non-Dutch speaking part of the world. (hope you understand English) I reckon you guys haven't seen anything yet of the film, so here's the link:


If no link appears above this line (-->edited), please search "beyond the rocks" on emule/edonkey, if you'd like to see some of the old film.



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